Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Selasa, 11 Ogos 2009

Dari kamar pemulihan

Salam ukhwah buat kalian semua, tadi pn hajah ada terbaca blog drpd rakan seperjuangan, banyak2 entry yang paling menarik perhatian, puisi luahan hati murid intervensi...bila baca je puisi ni rasa touching sgt...dan jd tggjwb pn hajah tuk pastikan anak2 ini berjaya mcm insan lain...buat rakan2 guru yg lain, pn hajah hrp jgnlah disisih anak2 spt ini...

teringat pn hajah dgn Azfairul n da gang, Amila n da gang, Hafiz n da gang n nazri n da gang...kdg2 pn hajah terasa spt give up...tp bila bc puisi ni tersentuh hati pn hajah...perlu kesabaran yg tinggi...tidak terlampau tinggi harapan...kena redha n cuba sedaya upaya bantu mereka....

tetapi masih ada insan2 luar sana yg x fhm...anak2 ini dipersalahkan...ada suatu ketika pn hajah sempat bersembang dgn insan2 yg menjengkelkan, masih terngiang2 kata2nye di telinga nih...mmg pn hajah akan ingat sampai bila2...ayatnya lebih kurang mcmnih...

"u rugilah jd cikgu pemulihan, x dpt tgk murid punya achievement spanjang u mengajar".

(hangin je pn hajah time tuh, bengang melampau), ni lah insan2 luar yg x fhm. Bila pn hajah terima anak2 nih daripada x knl huruf akhirnya pandai baca perkataan, tu da cukup membahagiakn pn hajah...x sudah dgn tuh, dia sambung lagi. lebih kurang cmni ayatnye....

"budak2 ni apa sebabnye l****b"

so pn hajah xplain la, murid2 nih kurang zat pemakanan, x da peluang sekolah tadika, keadaan latar belakang family yg susah, anak ibu tunggal, mslh attitud, mslah tgkah laku n mcm2 lagi...panjang lebar pn hajah xplain da cam jwb soalan interview jek...then dia jawab...

"eeh...anak saya 4 thn da msuk tadika, mak derang ni yg malas, saya pn keja, tp anak2 saya semua kelas 1st"

akhirnya, pn hajah da bengang n x thn dengar, pn hajah mtk diri n malas nak dgr kisah kejayaan anak2nye...meluat tgk org berlagak mcmnih...huh...mcm good jek...biarlah...yg penting sejak dari interview tew pn hajah bertambah2 bersemangat nak pastikan anak2 didik pn hajah still berjaya cam org lain, leh baca n fhm pe yg dia bc n leh wat keje pe yg org len wat...di tambah2 dgn puisi nih...silala hayatinya...


Tidak kupinta…
Tidak kumohon,…
Hadir di daerah terpilih
Tapi disisih…
Aku pasrah pada yang Kuasa
Mengapa dipandang sebelah mata
Sedangkan jiwaku sering meronta
Melihat yang lain dalam gembira
Tapi aku…
Tercorok kerana buta…
Buta pada huruf…
Buta pada angka…
Buta pada ajarmu…
Namun aku...
Punya hati
Punya perasaan
Usah dihina pada bebalku
Usah diherdik pada lembamku
Kerna kujua punya cita-cita
Kerna kujua milikki impian
Hulurkan tanganmu guruku
Gengamkan erat jemariku
Semangatmu adalah kekuatanku
Ketabahanmu mengusung kejayaanku

hasil nukilan: Pn Ariza (KSPK 2009)

p/s: buat rakan2 guru lain, teruskan perjuangan kalian kerna anak2 ini sgt memerlukan cahaya utk menerangi segenap ruang hidupnya....

Sabtu, 8 Ogos 2009

what's gonna work???

Jom layaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn.............

wonderpets (english version)

what's gonna work???

what's gonna work???



(lagu yang menjadi kegemaran ramai, x kira usia.....hahahha....including me....)

p/s : salahke pn hajah minat cartoon nih...hikhik...best...x caya cb tgk setiap hari jam 2.30ptg di tv9, dekat dihati....

Fetal development: What happens during the first trimester?

Fetal development begins before you even know you're pregnant. Here's a weekly calendar of events for the first trimester of pregnancy.

You're pregnant. Congratulations! You'll undoubtedly spend the months ahead wondering how your baby is growing and developing. What does your baby look like? How big is he or she? When will you hear the heartbeat?

Fetal development typically follows a predictable course. To help answer some of these questions, check out this weekly calendar of events for your baby's first three months in the womb.

Week 1: Getting readyI
It may seem strange, but you're not actually pregnant the first week or two of the time allotted to your pregnancy. Yes, you read that correctly!

Conception typically occurs about two weeks after you
r period begins. To calculate your due date, your health care provider will count ahead 40 weeks from the start of your last period. This means your period is counted as part of your pregnancy — even though you weren't pregnant at the time.

Week 2: Fertilization
The sperm and egg unite in one of your fallopian tubes to form a one-celled entity called a zygote. If more than one egg is released and fertilized, you may have multiple zygotes.

The zygote has 46 chromosomes — 23 from you and 23 from your partner. These chromosomes contain genetic material that will determine your baby's sex and traits such as eye color, hair color, height, facial features and — at least to some extent — intelligence and personality.

Soon after fertilization, the zygote travels down the fallopian tube toward the uterus. At the same time, it will begin dividing rapidly to form a cluster of cells resembling a tiny raspberry. The inner group of cells will become the embryo. The outer group of cells will become the membranes that nourish and protect it.

Week 3: Implantation
The zygote — by this time made up of about 500 cells — is now known as a blastocyst. When it reaches your uterus, the blastocyst will burrow into the uterine wall for nourishment. The placenta, which will nourish your baby throughout the pregnancy, also begins to form
. By the end of this week, you may be celebrating a positive pregnancy test.

Week 4: The embryonic period begins

The fourth week marks the beginning of the embryonic period, when the baby's brain, spinal cord, heart and other organs begin to form. Your baby is now 1/25 of an inch long.

The embryo is now made of three layers. The top layer — the ectoderm — will give rise to a groove along the midline of your baby's body. This will become the neural tube, where your baby's brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves and backbone will develop.

Your baby's heart and a primitive circulatory system will form in the middle layer of cells — the mesoderm. This layer of cells will also serve as
the foundation for your baby's bones, muscles, kidneys and much of the reproductive system.

The inner layer of cells — the endoderm — will become a simple tube lined with mucous membranes. Your baby's lungs, intestines and bladder will develop here.

Week 5: Baby's heart begins to beat
At week five, your baby is 1/17 of an inch long — about the size of the tip of a pen.

This week, your baby's heart and circulatory system are taking shape. Your baby's blood vessels will complete a circuit, and his or her heart will beg
in to beat. Although you won't be able to hear it yet, the motion of your baby's beating heart may be detected with an ultrasound exam.

With these changes, blood circulation begins — making the circulatory system the first functioning organ system. Illustration of embryo three weeks after conception Your baby at week five (three weeks after conception)

Week 6: The neural tube closes
Illustration of embryo four weeks after conception
. Your baby at week six (four weeks after conception). Growth is rapid this week. Just four weeks after conception, your baby is about 1/8 of an inch long. The neural tube along your baby's back is now closed, and your baby's heart is beating with a regular rhythm.

Basic facial features will begin to appear, including an opening for the mouth and passageways that will make up the inner ear. The digestive and respiratory systems begin to form as well.
Small blocks of tissue that will form your baby's connective tissue, ribs and muscles are developing along your baby's midline. Small buds will soon grow into arms and legs.

Khamis, 6 Ogos 2009

Amalan Bagi Ibu2 Mengandung...

Salam kalian semua, ni pn hajah ada terbaca dari blog rakan n sempatlah pn hajah selitkan beberapa tips khusus bg bakal2 ibu...mudah2n dapat dikongsikan bersama...

Mengandung adalah suatu harapan dan cita-cita sesebuah perkahwinan. Ia adalah suatu anugerah. Oleh sebab itu banyak amalan-amalan yang harus kita lakukan semasa mengandung agar zuriat yang bakal kita lahirkan itu nanti akan menjadi generasi yang cemerlang, baik di dunia mahupun di akhirat.

Untuk mencapai matlamat itu, anak tersebut mestilah ditarbiyah sejak dia masih janin lagi atau di dalam kandungan ibunya. Tingkah laku ibu bapa yang baik semasa ibu sedang hamil merupakan satu pendidikan awal.

Di antara amalan yang sunat dilakukan ketika sedang hamil ialah dengan memperbanyakkan membaca ayat-ayat suci Al-Qur’an, beristighfar dan berwirid setiap kali selepas mengerjakan sembahyang.
Di antara surah-surah yang digalakkan dibaca ialah:
1. Surah Al-Fatihah
2. Surah Yaasiin, kerana ia mempunyai banyak fadhilat.
3. Surah Yusuf, agar mendapat anak yang saleh, sempurna dan mempunyai rupa paras yang elok.
4. Surah Luqman, agar mendapat anak yang taat kepada kedua ibubapa.
5. Surah Maryam.
6. Surah An Nahl ayat 78
7. Surah Al A'raf ayat 189
8. Ayat Kursi
9. Surah al-Ikhlas.

p/s: pn hajah n en hubby da x sbr2 nak menimang cahaya mata sendiri...mudah2n Allah berikan anugerah ini kepada kami...amin...kalian doakanla kami...

Ahad, 2 Ogos 2009

Yay...akhirnya dapat award gak...

salam kalian sume....pn hajah baru terima award dr che'gu adilla...bestnye 1st time dpt award...heheh....thanx dik...masih ingat lagi pada akak eak...acctually lama da dia send kat pn hajah, tp x sempat nak tyg...so skang ada ms terlebih2 free nih....hehhe...

pn hajah pn nak bagi award ni pada bestfren yang lain...

p/s : so, terimalah pemberian ikhlas dr pn hajah...sudi2kanla tyg kat blog kalian...

indahnya ciptaan Allah swt..

salam sume kawan2...hari2 minggu camni time tuk mengemaskan rumah sedunia...heheh...maklumla org bekerjaya sentiasa bz ketika weekday...(bunyi macam kena virus M (m.a.l.a.s.) heheh) sementara tuggu en hubby balik dr kerja, pn hajah nak share la video yg pn hajah upload dari u tube...cantik betul...subhanallah...

jom kite tgk...terutama bakal ibu2 n yg teringin sgt nak jd ibu (me...me...me...)...

Sabtu, 1 Ogos 2009

my becoming besday wishlist...

salam kalian sume...lama da rasanye pn hajah x update umah ni...jenguk jek...nak kata cibuk x jugak...cume ide x terkeluar nak tulih kat sini...dalam kepala banyak benda pn hajah nak share dgn kalian tapi x terkeluar...hehhe....

minggu ni kat sekolah pn hajah cibuk bertungkus-lumus mengubah suai bilik intervensi sementara masih ada guru2 praktikal dr IB...hmmm nmpk da hasilnye sikit....nanti kalo da siap pn hajah snapla beberapa pic tuk tatapan kalian...kot2 bole dijadikan inspirasi tuk kelas masing2...heheh...

Acct. saja je pn hajah nak post entry nih...pn hajah nak share la dgn kalian, mtk tlg doakan sekali hajat pn hajah yang da lama dinanti2....mudah2n murah rezkinye...

my wishlist

1. pn hajah hope sgt dapat rezki yang dinanti2 bagi every couple..

2. 2nd wish haruslah...

so cute...

3.my 3rd wish...
insyaAllah coming soon...tgh kumpul wangnya...heheh...my dream car

4.not at last but at least...:)

tgh tggu loan approve....ade x umah yg exactly same like this...hehe

p/s: mudah2n dimurahkan lagi rezki oleh-Nya.,doakan kami eak...